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Cias Micro-Ray: the winner of Detektor International Award 2019

Cias Micro-Ray: the winner of Detektor International Award 2019

Cias with Micro-Ray 100 won the first prize in the Alarm & Detection category at this year's Detektor International Award ceremony.

The event took place at Stockholmsmässan in Sweden, in conjunction with the security industry dinner, which finished off the opening day of the Sectech Expo & Seminars on the 19th of November.

“This first prize for the Best Product of the year – the prize organizers say – is symbolized by a glass sculpture, designed by the world famous artist Bertil Vallien”.

Fabrizio Leonardi, General Vice Director Cias,  together with Raffaele de Astis, General Director Cias, received the prize during the ceremony.

The jury´s motivation was: “With this unique microwave system Cias brings an exceptional contribution to the perimeter protection market”.

Micro-Ray in few keypoints:

• super narrow ray (1m corridor)
• 100mt range, guaranteed in all weather conditions without disqualification at all
• immune to fog, sun and glares
• low consumption (no heathers needed) also allows PoE & IP
• 10 selectable interruption time settings (from 10ms to 1 sec)
• design-friendly and low-maintenance cover (no cleaning required)

by the Editorial Staff

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