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SALTO Systems S.L.

Pol. Lanbarren C/ Arkotz, 9
20180 - Oiartzun

SALTO Systems develops and manufactures advanced and reliable wireless electronic locking and access control smart solutions that provide a smoother, more comfortable, and secure daily life.

Revolutionary access control

SALTO Systems revolutionised access control with the introduction of the SALTO Virtual Network SVN data-on-card technology and the advanced battery-operated wireless electronic smart door lock range in 2001.

For nearly 20 years, SALTO has been synonymous with innovative solutions, including stand-alone, cloud-based and mobile applications, that set new standards in security, manageability, flexibility and design that bring real-world benefits to virtually any door and building type. Across a broad range of industries and applications, SALTO is widely recognised as a global market leader in smart electronic access control solutions.

Orientation to customer and sustainability

“We bring added value to our clients – they say from SALTO – making it easier for decision making and smarter management of facilities. As an organisation, we intend to create an ecosystem of end-users, clients, partners, collaborators, and suppliers with whom we build long-lasting, win-win relationships guided by closeness, flexibility, integrity, and trust.

At SALTO, we are aware that in addition to the products, technologies and services we deliver, we are part of a much broader framework. For this reason, we are committed to being responsible as it relates to the environment and sustainability. This responsibility goes beyond corporate goals, being our firm compromise to keep alive a range of activities consistent with these principles continuously”.

To be consistent with its purpose as a company, and to respond to business objectives without compromising values, SALTO places an emphasis on ability to self-criticize, desire to excel, orientation to customer, collaboration, and passion.

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