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Data breaches: 42% of IT leaders told to keep them confidential

Data breaches keep confidential

42% of IT leaders have been told to keep data breachs confidential, according to the data presented by the Atlas VPN team.  Furthermore, more than half of businesses admitted to experiencing a data breach in the last 12 months.

Data breaches can seriously threaten businesses, resulting in significant financial losses, legal ramifications, and reputational damage.

Facts and Figures

“Nearly 30% of IT professionals had kept data breach a secret – they say from  the Atlas VPN team –  when they knew it should be reported.  
When looking at the results by country, US businesses were the least responsible when dealing with data breaches.

Companies in Germany were the most responsible when dealing with data breaches. Of the IT leaders surveyed, 35% were advised to maintain confidentiality regarding a data breach, but only 15% kept it quiet. Furthermore, 54% neither were told nor kept a breach confidential.

 In UK businesses, 44% of IT professionals were suggested to stay silent about a data breach, and 36% did.

French IT leaders were the least likely to be told to keep a data breach confidential, as only a quarter encountered such an experience. Meanwhile, 37% of IT managers working for companies in were advised to stay quiet about a data breach. The same was recommended to 35% of professionals in Spain”, they underline from the Atlas VPN team.

“In an age where data breaches have become a grim reality – says Vilius Kardelis, Cybersecurity writer at Atlas VPN – such practice undermines the fundamental principles of transparency, accountability, and proactive risk mitigation. Organizations must recognize that concealing data breaches erodes customers’ trust and hinders the collective effort required to combat cyber threats.”

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