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DDoS Attacks Globally: 65% against US and UK

DDoS Attacks Globally: 65% against US and UK

The United States ranks as the most affected country in the world by distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The UK comes second. These are the findings analyzed by the Atlas VPN Team, which also indicates the most attacked sectors.

DDoS violations are employed by cybercriminals to disrupt online-dependent businesses and, because of the pandemic, many people moved to remote work and online life, with hackers sawing it as an opportunity to benefit.

According to the data examinated by the Atlas VPN team, 65% of all distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are directed at the US or UK. Computers and the internet industry is the favorite among cybercriminals.
The numbers are based on the data provided on the Imperva website. They collect DDoS threat statistics every month, so this time June 2021 results are being analyzed.



The United States was a target of 35% of all DDoS attacks in June 2021. Cybercriminals have launched DDoS attacks against Amazon Web Services, Google, and other prominent US-based companies in the past. However, as these businesses have extensive resources, they withstood the attack without noticeable disruptions.

The United Kingdom comes second as it fell victim to 29% of all DDoS attacks. As the UK has many huge businesses, they often are targeted by hackers for valuable data or even a ransom. Threat actors claim that they would not stop a DDoS attack unless their ransom demands are met.

China was attacked by 18% of all DDoS attacks in June 2021, and Japan and Germany were each struck by about 3% of all DDoS attacks. Currently happening Tokyo Olympics in Japan could raise cyber threats, as hackers could benefit from disrupting the event.

Some businesses are more heavily targeted due to the damage they would cause if hackers disrupted their service. At other times, cybercriminals launch DDoS threats because of the competitive nature of the attacked industry itself.

The most attacked industry was the computers and internet sector, targeted by 83% of all DDoS attacks. Domain providers, web hosts, and internet service providers often become the victims of DDoS attacks. By suspending their systems, hackers also disrupt all other companies using attacked business services.

The games industry is the second most attacked sector as it suffered 9% of all DDoS attacks. Some gamers launch DDoS attacks against other players to lower their connection speed and gain a competitive advantage. With slower connection speed, you may experience lag and delay making the game unplayable.

Gambling sites experienced 6% of all DDoS attacks in June 2021. Often casinos hire cybercriminals to disrupt their competition’s business. By launching a DDoS attack, hackers could make rival gambling websites unavailable, make them lose profit and customers’ trust.
The business industry was the target of nearly 2% of all DDoS attacks, while hackers launched an attack on the finance sector almost 1% of the time.

DDoS attacks are a severe threat. They lead to the interruption of the website or service, which could cause massive financial damages to the business. To stop the assault, hackers often request a ransom, making it even harder for the company.


by the Editorial Staff

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