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Euralarm presents Remote Services Guideline for alarm systems

Euralarm presents Remote Services Guideline for alarm systems

Zug.– Euralarm has launched a document providing guidance and recommendations relating to Fire & Life Safety and Security alarm systems where remote access is required. These recommendations are intended for Euralarm members and other stakeholders of these systems.

The Remote Services Guideline contains the Euralarm expertise with intent to lead to standardization throughout Europe. It provides advice regarding the design, installation, operation and maintenance of the alarm systems which require remote access, along with recommendations concerning the systems used for such remote access.
The document consists of pre-standardization recommendations for contractual responsibilities as well as recommendations for the alarm system, the secure computer platform, the information transmission system and the operation of remote services.
The Remote Services Guideline also provides specific recommendations for use of remote services with fire & life safety alarm systems and with security systems. The document is completed with the environmental essentiality of these recommendations, as it effects the reduction of the carbon footprint of the service providers.
The Remote Services Guideline for alarm systems and remote services can be read or downloaded at the Euralarm website (www.euralarm.org).

About Euralarm
Euralarm, the association of European manufacturers, installers and service providers of the electronic fire safety and security industry, represents the electronic fire and security industry at European and worldwide levels. The organization provides technical and market expertise for policy making and standardization work in the field of security and fire safety. Among the main fields of activity are fire detection and alarms, intrusion detection and alarm systems, access control, video surveillance, alarm transmission and alarm receiving centre. Founded in 1970 Euralarm represents over 2500 companies.

by the Editorial Staff

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