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Euralarm & US FSSA sign Memorandum of Cooperation

Euralarm FSSA

Euralarm and the US Fire Suppression System Association (FSSA) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. The reciprocal cooperation will focus on education, research, service, and other related activities in the domain of fire safety.

Who is FSSA?

The Fire Suppression Systems Association (FSSA) is a not-for-profit US trade association and leading authority and advocate of special hazard fire protection. The Association is focused on ensuring sustainable fire protection for people, property, and the environment. The FSSA is drawing members domestic and internationally and is comprised of installers, manufacturers, consultants, academics, and suppliers working together to share ideas and strategies for the benefit of the fire suppression systems industry. FSSA members are dedicated to the highest level of safety, reliability, and effectiveness of special hazards fire suppression.

Areas of cooperation between Euralarm & FSSA

Areas of cooperation may include

  • technical guidance,
  • research and
  • development,

thought leadership and collaboration in the area of fixed firefighting systems.

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