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Light + Building in 2022

Light + Building in 2022

Light + Building will be held again in its normal sequence in 2022.

Because of the world-wide situation caused by the COVID19 pandemic and the prohibitions on events and travel restrictions associated with it, Messe Frankfurt has decided, jointly with its partners, ZVEI and ZVEH, and with the Trade Fair Advisory.

Council, to defer the eleventh Light + Building and to hold it from 13 to 18 March 2022.

“The current regulations, combined with continued global travel restrictions and the potential threat to individual health, make it impossible to hold Light + Building in 2020”, says Wolfgang Marzin. “At the same time, in the interests of exhibitors and visitors, we must avoid unnecessary costs in good time. The decision has not been easy for any of us, but now we shall be directing our energies to holding the next Light + Building in its accustomed sequence in 2022.”

“The decision – the organizers underline – likewise affects Intersec Building. Now, as a platform for connected security technology, the format will celebrate its premiere as an integral part of Light + Building in 2022”.

“Light + Building is of quite particular importance for companies engaged in lighting and building services technology: it is here that industries with the latest technologies look far into the future. However much we regret the cancellation, we are also in favour of it. Given the manifold uncertainties and challenges, it was right to make this decision now, jointly and in a dialogue between partners”, states ZVEI President Michael Ziesemer.

The chairman of the ZVEI Association for Electrical Installation Systems, Daniel Hager, adds: “In the present situation we would not have been able to experience the positive, cooperative and innovative spirit which Light + Building has embodied from its very start. Everybody's mind is elsewhere and social distancing is not suitable for a trade fair. So we should all look forward: the fair will continue to exist, as a beacon for the industry and as a platform rich in the exchange of ideas. I am sure: in March 2022, with new energy, we shall have a better starting point for the fair” . 

by the Editorial Staff

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