Marss: security systems in the Photovoltaic Field
The company Tecnoservice of Michelangeli Maurizio, based in Alessano, operates in the Lecce area as expert for the maintenance of the photovoltaic installations, included the security systems (anti-thefts, alarm-systems, and so on).
The need
The maintenance of the traditional security systems within the solar fields presents different problems, such
as the frequent false alarms due to strong interference from inverters and other electrical equipment.
The environmental and installation conditions, typical of photovoltaic fields, put the same systems to strong stress and therefore to the need of repeated actions on the field.
Moreover, although the direct connections are activated with the local police central station, in case of alarm or other reports, the company Tecnoservice intervene directly, to arm and/or disarm the single alarm systems.
Additional measures are due to the repeated maintenance, like: the cleaning of the panels, the cut of
the grass, and so on.
And last but not least, the presence of different alarm systems installed, implies a series of inefficiencies into
the management of the same, first of all the possibility to get a remote and centralized control of the systems, to optimize the different operations and to assure, in the time, an high level of security.
The solution
The IP Controller Modules by MARSS. Each alarm system has been interfaced with the IP Controller Module, model IPC-3004: one for each photovoltaic field.
In this way Tecnoservice has the centralized control of each systems, H24, directly by smartphone.
Via APP “IP Controller”, Tecnoservice directly checks the status of each alarm system, receives the Push
Notification service at any status change and/or alarm, and, always via APP, can arm/disarm the system, about the need, without costly and useless trips.
All this has made possible to optimize both the maintenance service offered, than to assure a higher
level of security of the photovoltaic fields, because Tecnoservice is continually upgrade about the status of the installations and can operate remotely, with an optimization of the operation times.
Partners for the project
Tecnoservice of Michelangeli Maurizio, company specialized into the maintenance of photovoltaic installations Tecnoservice has selected the IP Controller system to optimize and to assure an effective and timely service for maintenance, especially on the security side.
IEMME srl , Marss’ official distributor in the area of Puglia, Molise e Basilicata. Considering the need of the
customer, has offered the most effective solution, and has supported the customer, not only during the selection phase, but also during the installation.
MARSS srl, produces and distributes security systems and operates in the market through a network of
security partners and numbers among its customers, main national and international companies
The long-standing competence gained in the field, makes it possible to achieve and deliver the right product for the proper application, in order to ensure efficiency and durability, with particular attention to optimizing the costs of research, development and production.
by the Editorial Staff