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NVR PoE, IPV series, to the Video Management of the IP Controller system


The new linea of NVR PoE serie IPV by MARSS, extends the range of Video Management solutions for the IP Controller System.
The new PoE NVR are available in 4, 8, 16 Video Inputs Channels and 4 and 8 PoE ports, and offer undeniable advantages in terms of flexibility, quality for video and integration.

The switch integrated at the device and the PoE function allow a simply installation for the network camera, as well as a save, related the cost of the same switch.

The system of NVR, IPV series, by MARSS, doesn't require a deep knowledge related the OVER IP technology.
Thanks to the integrated POE switch, infact, the new MARSS NVR don't require the configuration of each IP CCTV camera or to manage the problems related the network configuration. All this makes Plug & Play the creation of the CCTV solution at high resolution. Practically, once connected the network cable to the PoE switch, it automatically detect the connected camera and acquires the images.
Thanks to the APP “IP Controller”, is possible to directly manage, by smartphone and tablet, the live and the playback of all the CCTV camera connect to the NVR, in addition to alla the other functions managed by the IP Controller system.

Key features
• IP Video Input : 4, 8, 16 CH
• 4/8 Indipendent PoE network interface
• UP to IP 5Mpixel resolution recording
• HDMI and  VGA video output


by the Editorial Staff

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