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Tecnosicurezza: evolution, the way to grow

Tecnosicurezza: evolution

S News met Franco Miller, Presidente Tecnosicurezza.

Mr. Miller, Tecnosicurezza founded in 1983, is one among the Italian companies that strongly helps build the security history in Italy as well as all over the world.
Which are the latest evolutions of your brand and which is the present picture of your company?
Our presence on the market of professional locks and devices for safes since thirty years allowed us to live a period of important changes.
We clearly remember the deep transformation that, at the end of 80’s should have determined a real technological revolution: the progressive but irreversible passage from the mechanical closing systems to the electronic control systems for which Tecnosicurezza took part with a pioneering attitude.
How many scepticism and how many doubts we had to break in this field ruled by a conservatism so difficult to get over. This marked a new age.
More than 20 years went by since that time and today nobody would renounce to the performances that electronic allows.
Our company lived this growth with special attention, as protagonist, through a constant cooperation with safe manufacturers and taking an active part to the projects development.
This has determined the progressive acquisition of a great experience in the design of electonic systems giving us the basis to realize the evolution of our structure: to transform our business activity from distributor to independent manufacturer.

To focus on 4 or 5 Tecnosicurezza best features, which key words could you highlight? And why?
In relation to what I have just said, I think that the new structure of our company clearly represents our design and production philosophy: the systems must fit the customers’ needs and not viceversa as it happens when you have to purchase products from the foreign distribution market which have inevitably rigid performances.
To answer your question, I think that our best features are the following:
– the correct observation of the customer’s needs our R&D department: flexibility in  projects, an internal staff totally dedicated to study the market trends;
– the complete availability to cooperate with the customer to adapt the product to his needs;
– the vision of the problems on international level that gives us the possibility to grow our know-how and became, at the same time, a resource for all the customers.
I would give for Tecnosicurezza the following definition: series systems fitting like tailor-made suit at competitive prices.

Talking about products, how is Tecnosicurezza answering the growing needs of the market? 
To be able to answer all the customers needs is the principle of our company strategy, as said before.
To produce security systems for safes means to study carefully the applications they are destinated for, because the new requirements of the market are more and more structured than in the past.
The problems we are asked to solve in all the fields we operate, are mainly different from each other.
The demands of the banks, postal services, large-scale retail trade, transport and cash-in-transit, atm, cash-in/cash-out are really different.
Our goal is to meet the specifications of each single field and combine them into our product features.
We have developed considerable expertise on international scale.

Tecnosicurezza is on the International markets thanks to its history: in Europe, but also in the US and Australia.
How important is the foreign market for Tecnosicurezza?

Since we became independent producers, we have expanded our business to other foreign countries all over the world as we lost  the territorial limits that usually distinguish the action of a distributor.
We already have a large network of partners in Europe and other continents that enables us to plan large production volumes with the purpose to control costs and also allows us to know the trend of each market.
For this reason we have decided to certify all the systems and the company too at the German institute of VdS. We are proceeding with them and also with the certification with UL.
This is in synthesis the new layout of our company, looking positively at the future, also in such a uncertain moment.

Mr. Miller, since you are also an active member in Confindustria, from your privileged point of view, how can you see the future of the security market in short/medium term, what can improve and increase it?
The actual crisis, that involves all the fields, has left its marks: the bank institutes reduce the number of branchs, the postal service too is planning to close  some offices, all the economical activities are suffering a big contraction. At the moment we cannot see any real signal of concrete revival and not only in Italy.
In the short-term, as you are asking me, I can only see the possibility to concentrate on a strict control of the costs, to encourage the capitalization of the companies, to promote the cultural growth of the company resources through the training, to believe that after the night, the day will come again, as Albert Einsein said and that, just in the very hard moments, new ideas can work out because difficulties are often an element of progress.
It will not be easy, but I really believe that, in different ways, we will see the end of this long crisis which is not only our one but it comes from far-away.

by Monica Bertolo

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