Monica Bertolo, Editor in Chief for S News, met Wanda Nijholt, Manager Marketing and Communication i-PRO at Fiera Sicurezza in Milan, in Italy, and asked her how the European market is living the transition from Panasonic to i-PRO.
“First of all – Nijholt underlines – it’s great to be here in Italy. It is our first event as i-PRO Emea and we’re super excited to meet everybody! So if we look at i-PRO and the transition to the market, this has actually started already in 2019 when our Japanese headquarters became i-PRO. So the name of i-PRO and the name brand have been in the market since then and also that’s when all the transition started. On the first October we started operations as i-PRO and this was really a very important step. The market received it very very well, because we’re building i-PRO on the Panasonic history so we’re taking that legacy of more than 60 years but now we have the flexibility and agility to really speed things up with the speed that the market is requesting and the technology is developing. So the feedback we’ve received so far and everything we’re doing and bringing on the market in terms of products and innovation and technology, feedback has been very positive and we’re looking forward the future really”.
Nijholt keeps talking about the product evolution i-PRO is giving to the market and about the benefits of AI.
by Monica Bertolo