ASIS: Collaborative Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Crisis Management
ASIS Chapter Italy, together with (ISC)2 Italy Chapter and TAPA EMEA, is organizing an event dedicated to digital and physical security topics. The event will take place in person at the ASIS headquartes in Faenza, Italy, on September 20, but also online. The central theme will be “How to cope with the new global disorder. Lessons learned and how to build a new harmony”.
It is “Collaborative because we want to stress the fact that we are going beyond the simple convergence – they say from ASIS. – “Instead, we need to act as a cohesive and closely coordinated body to address today’s multiple challenges. The world in which we are living, in just three years has completely mutated. The new ‘global disorder’ becomes therefore the starting point to draw some lessons learned. Finally, harmony because, now more than ever, security professionals need to operate in harmony as in an orchestra” they end.
The program of the event
Opening: Danilo Bruschi, Full Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science “G. degli Antoni”, University of Milan
Glenn C. Schoen, CEO of security crisis consultancy Boardroom@Crisis BV; ASIS Europe Associate; ASIS Europe European Regional Board of Directors
Alberto Manfredi, CSA President and (ISC)2 Italy Chapter Associate
Dario Novella, Head of Security and Operational Resilience IT-IL; DHL Global Forwarding SpA
Samuele Caruso, CPP, PCI, Senior Security Manager UNI 10459/2017; Head of International Security, Travel Security & Crisis Management FINCANTIERI SpA; ASIS Italy Chapter Secretary and ASIS Europe European Regional Board of Directors
Cristiano Cafferata, INWEBO Country General Manager, (ISC)2 Italy Chapter Associate
Petra Chiste, Security manager of Volksbank, (ISC)2 Italy Chapter Associate
Marco Dugato, Senior researcher at Transcrime, Partner of Crime&Tech, Adjunct Professor at Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore di Milano
Federica M. R. Livelli, Business Continuity & Risk Management Consultant, Board Member ANRA, BCI Italy Chapter, CLUSIT Scientific Committee and (ISC)2 Italy Chapter Associate
Michele Palumbo, Supply Chain Director and Executive Advisor, Adjunct Professor at Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore di Milano, Professor and coordinator of Masters’ Degree in Supply Chain Management at 24 Ore Business School
Claudio Ferioli, Head of Corporate and Physical Security Governance and Development in Intesa Sanpaolo; ASIS Chapter Italy Associate
Paola Guerra, ASIS International Chapter Italy Chair
Stefano Ramacciotti, President (ISC)2 Chapter Italy
Franco Fantozzi, President TAPA Working Group Italy