UzSecureExpo 2021: Security Technologies, Fire Protection, IT Security

UzSecureExpo 2021, the international exhibition involving security technologies, fire protection, and IT security, will be held on the 5th, 6th and 7th May at the NEC Uzexpocentre in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The event will show the range of equipment and the new approaches to security, including technical means to ensure safety in industries, alarm systems for fire and smoke, tools to provide integrated security, fire trucks, walkie-talkies and many other interesting devices.
During the exhibition, participants will have the chance to learn about current demands for buyers, to study business activity of competitors and directly meet a wide audience of specialists. This includes experts in the design and installation of security systems, representatives of enterprises of wholesale and retail trade, as well as specialists in the operation of equipment and systems for security and fire protection.
In 2019, UzSecureExpo was attended by 4865 visitors and 150 companies from Austria, Armenia, Belarus, China, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Switzerland, Sweden and the same Uzbekistan. The exhibition is officially supported by the main fire safety department of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, by the main directorate of Uzbekistan National Guard and by the mayor’s office of Tashkent (Khokimiyat).
• Technical security
• Fire safety systems
• Rescue equipments
• Individual protection equipments
• IT Security
Save the date: UZSecureExpo 2021 from the 5th to the 7th May 2021 at the NEC Uzexpocentre in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
by the Editorial Staff