Beta Cavi: The coax cable at the center of the system
The coaxial cable, often seen as a secondary completion of the video surveillance, which is not recognized great importance, is the communication line on which the video signal passes and inevitably degrades.
The signal quality and reliability of the connection are represented by more elements, but only in the design and scope of development is possible to limit the problems remaining focused on the application.
To overcome the problems associated with the cable into the digital and analog transmission (not clear images, fog, loss of detail, shadows on the edges, etc.), it was necessary to develop a new cable that would take into account the technological evolution.
The HD Beta Cavi coaxial cables series has been designed considering the system as a whole, to avoid that the same cable represents the real limit of a video surveillance system. During the design we have placed special emphasis on the technical characteristics of the video signal (compressed or not) and protocols, ensuring excellent transmission and video signal while maintaining the performance of the equipment used also over distances considered unattainable until recently.
by the Editorial Staff