Euralarm, prior to organising its Extraordinary General Assembly and following a decision of its members, opened the doors for Associate Members to work together to keep Europe a safe place to live, work and relax.
“50 years after our founding – they say from Euralarm – Europe is in a time of change. New technologies, digitization, new standards and regulations will move us in a new era. Life safety and security for European citizens at home, at work or travelling throughout Europe, are key for our future. The fire safety and security industry have an important role in keeping Europe a safe place to live. Our work is supported by a broad representation of the stakeholders caring for a safe and secure society. That support ensures that Euralarm can contribute to make Europe the best and safest place to live. Euralarm provides leadership for the fire safety, security and extinguishing industry, and expertise for policy makers and standardisation bodies. The European association supports pro-actively a Single European Market strategy for the sector. As part of that strategy and as the only trade association in the sector, Euralarm has a local team in Brussels. Until now the membership of Euralarm was open for national associations and companies who want to tap into the political expertise of Euralarm and understand how EU and local policy is impacting the fire safety and security industry, its markets and the European citizens”.
Euralarm calls stakeholders who want to contribute to the move to the next era to join their organisation. Stakeholders include research organisations, certification bodies, associations, insurance companies and consumer organisations.
The associate membership allows companies to make personal connections with technical and political experts, share expertise on standardisation and be heard and influence standardisation and legislative processes. Stakeholders that are interested in an associate membership will stay in touch with the latest trends in regulation and technology and have directly access to a repository of Euralarm documentation produced by Euralarm members and its professional team. Associate members are also welcome to network with industry experts during the annual Euralarm Symposium and other expert events.
An associate member has an observer status and therefore has no voting rights or rights to chair a section or committee. Associate members have the right to participate in the activities of the association and its sections and have access to relevant section and cross-sectional information. Candidate associate organisations that are interested to join Euralarm can send their application in writing to the General Management.
by the Editorial Staff