Euralarm: partner to Next Generation Networks event
Euralarm together with its Member the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) will bring the latest updates on Next Generation Networks to the Industry on October 31st in Warrington and December 11th in Belfast.
“These well attended events – they say from Euralarm – will allow you to join the BSIA technical team and some of the Industry's leading experts to discuss how changes to the UK telecommunications network may affect the Fire and Security Industry.
There has been a lot of talk in the industry about the PSTN switch off and upcoming changes happening to the telephone network. The conference will allow you to understand how these change impact you.
This event will provide you with all the information you need to plan the switch from analogue to an ALL-IP digital network for your new, and existing alarm signalling systems”, they add from Euralarm.
Other partners in the organisation of the event include Euralarm Member the British Fire Industry Association (FIA) and TSA.
by the Editorial Staff