PASO EN54 Voice Emergency System in Apple Flagship store in Rome
PASO is very delighted to be part of the huge multi-brands project in the heart of Rome, in Via del Corso where, inside the imposing Palazzo Marignoli, the installation of PASO EN54 Voice Emergency System is going on for the incoming opening of Apple Flagship store: one of the biggest Apple stores to set up in Italy.
PASO designed this Voice Alarm solution applying to an architecture based on its CR8506-V controller, a diagnostic and management unit, defined as the core element of PASO EN54-16 certified PA8500-VES systems range.
This system Structure will be housed in a main 30 units rack cabinet and will be built in details with:
• One CR8506-V controller, the core of the voice evacuation system, a management and diagnostic unit carrying out all the whole operations supervision as well as all audio signals controls, that is evacuation, warnings, service messages and background music.
• Two zones expansion units or Routers – RT8506-V – to drive up to 8 zones this system.
• Five 480 W Booster each, AW5648, booster certified EN54-16 featuring a large number of devices so as protection against overloads and short circuits, peak-limiting circuit, a thermal circuit-breaker inside the power transformer, a resettable thermal circuit-breaker in contact with the power-transistor heat sink, mains fuses. In addition to the cooling fan, with automatic control of the speed depending on the temperatures of the heat sinks to which the power devices are applied.
• One Remote Emergency Paging Unit, PMB132/12-V, fully monitored 12-zone emergency microphone unit completes the architecture of this system allowing sending and managing with full flexibility service and/or emergency calls and/or prerecorded messages on the various zones of this Apple Store.
by the Editorial Staff