SECON 2022: +23% of visitors and over 70% of total net space rebooked

SECON 2022, from 20th to 22nd April 2022 in KINTEX, Korea, has been successfully ended. As the 21st edition of the event this year, 291 exhibitors from 12 countries showed off their respective products and solutions, with 22,778 visitors from 13 countries, up 23% from the previous year. “In particular – they say from Secon – the event reflected expectations for a return to normal as social distancing eased due to the pandemic, and meetings were actively conducted between exhibitors and visitors to exchange a variety of products and solutions and to find new business opportunities”.
SECON is the only converged security exhibition in Asia that offers video security, access control, biometric security, and VPN, as well as a variety of technologies for the 4th Industrial Revolution, and diverse solutions to combat cybercrime. During this 3-day event, various conferences and symposiums provided a place for businesses to exchange the latest technology and information.
“In addition – they add – there were many exhibitors displaying virtual machine bypass prevention technology or displaying malicious code response solutions by conducting dynamic analysis of malicious behavior such as ransomware that once spread greatly to social problems. Also, in preparation for possible infectious diseases such as COVID-19, many identity & access management systems equipped with functioning fever checks and visit registration were also displayed”.
At SECON 2022, a variety of security-related knowledge and discussions were shared. The Ministry of the Interior and Safety held ‘e-Government Information Security Conference 2022’ to promote the excellence of e-government information protection solutions, which are evaluated to be the best in the world, and ‘Conference 2022 on Integrated CCTV Control’ for the representatives of the CCTV Integrated Control Center operated by each municipality.
Moreover, the Ministry of Science and ICT held the ‘Physical Security Integrated Platform Conference 2022’, and ‘Technology Transfer Seminar of National R&D 2022’, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy held ‘Security Workshop for Industrial Human Resources 2022’, the Korea Association for Aviation Security held ‘2022 7th Aviation Security Symposium’ and ‘2022 Future Aviation Security Forum’, the Korea Counter-Terrorism Industry Association held ‘Counter Terrorism Conference 2022’, and the Korean National Police Agency held ‘R&D Researchers Meeting of Korean National Police Agency’.
The SECON secretariat is operating the ‘Online Business Platform’ ( until 31st October 2022, which enables all the online business activities such as video meetings and chat consultations, searching exhibitors, webinars, etc. Also ‘Digital Showroom’ will have been operated for the people, who were unable to attend the event, to access the relevant products, solutions, and promotional brochures of the exhibitors. Through the ‘Online Business Platform’, the SECON secretariat will maximize business opportunities between the exhibitors and domestic/international buyers.
SECON 2023
SECON 2023 will be held at KINTEX, Korea from 29th to 31st March 2023. The latest products from various fields, such as Video Surveillance, Access Control, IT Security, Social Security System, Homeland Security/Industry Security, IoT Security will be introduced at the event. It is anticipated that next year’s event will feature 25,000+ m2 gross space, 400+ exhibitors, 25,000+ visitors, and 200+ conference and seminar tracks. With expectations for the normalization of business after the pandemic, over 70% of the total net space for SECON 2023 was contracted for three days, which proves that SECON still takes a key role as the critical trade channel in the local and overseas security market. And, as overseas travel restrictions are foreseen to be lifted, it is expected that the incoming of overseas buyers will return to the average level before the pandemic.