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12^ Asis European Security Conference & Exhibition: gli interventi in programma

12^ Asis European Security Conference & Exhibition: gli interventi in programma

Göteborg (Svezia). La 12^ Asis European Security Conference & Exhibition a Göteborg, in Svezia dal 14 al 16 aprile 2013, sarà l’occasione per i partecipanti di immergersi in tre giorni di sessioni educative, con case studies, tavole rotonde e aggiornamento sulle ultime novità sui servizi di sicurezza e tecnologie.

Ecco il programma per il 15 ed il 16 aprile.


Panel Discussion: Civil Unrest & Major Events
Klas Friberg, Head of the National Bureau of Investigation, Swedish Police
Chris Greany, Detective Chief Superintendent, London Metropolitan Police

Animal Right Extremists (ARE)
Thomas de Neergaard, CPP, Security Director Europe AstraZeneca

Cyber Security – of Hares, Tortoises and Hedgehogs
Axel Petri, Senior Vice President Group Security Policy and Public Safety, Deutsche Telekom AG

CSO @ Crisis – Practical Personal Best Practices for the CSO in Crisis Situations
Glenn Schoen, Director G4S Risk Advisory The Netherlands

Travel Security for Business Travellers
Oliver C. Fein, Head of Corporate Security Bosch Security Systems Germany

Environmental Single Issue Activism – a Real Threat to Business or Minor Distraction
Barrie Millett, Head of Business Resilience E.ON UK

A Framework for Managing Crime & Fraud
Torsten Wolf, Group Head of Crime and Fraud Prevention Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

Support – Upgrading Port Security in Europe
Lars Pålsson, Head of Corporate Security Stena Line AB
Henk van Unnik, Senior Advisor Securitas AB

Case Study: the 2010 Stockholm Helicopter Robbery
Johan Petersson, Director of Security Nokas

The Key Video Surveillance Trends Set to Change the Face of Retail Loss Prevention
Professor Joshua Bamfield, Director Centre for Retail Research UK
Atul Rajput, Manager Business Development Northern Europe AXIS Communications


Pre-employment and In-employment Screening The Israëli Approach
Berndt Rif, CPP, Senior Policy Advisor Security Operations De Nederlandsche Bank NV

Organisations Should Adopt a Comprehensive and Integrated Strategy that Encompasses all Areas of Security Risk
Volker Wagner, Senior Vice president Deutsche Telekom AG
James Willison, Founder Unified Security Ldt UK

Perspectives on the Modern Global Executive Protection Environment
Charles Randolph, Senior Director Executive Protection and Intelligence, Microsoft USA

Why Security Fails
Peter Speight, Director of Security Risk Management Securitas Security Services Ltd

Criminals and Security Professionals, who now has the upper hand?
Professor Martin Gill, Director Perpetuity Research and Consultancy International

Risks and Controls in a Social Media World
Mark Johnson, Chairman – The Risk Management Group

Systematic Computer Analysis to Identify Fraud
Hakan Hagberg, Analyst Swedish Social Insurance Agency

A Comprehensive Approach Toward Detecting Deviant Criminal Behaviour
Gertjan Burghouts, Lead Scientist TNO
Maaike Lousberg, Project Manager TNO

Countering Financial Crime and Corruption in the Banking Sector: a Baltic State’s Perspective
Audrius Sapola, Director of Security Department SEB Bankas Lithuania

Security Managers No More – We’re Business Managers
Marc Siegel, Commissioner, Global Standards Initiative ASIS International Belgium
Allison Wylde, Assistant Professor London Metropolitan University Business School (LBMS)

Per i dettagli dell'evento e per scaricare il modulo di iscrizione, visitare www.asisonline.com .

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