Cias with Micro-Ray won the first prize in the Alarm & Detection category at 2019 Detektor International Award ceremony. Now a new award arrived for the Italian company thanks to Micro-Ray.
On Wednesday 18 November, during the virtual fair WIN>DAYS organized by GIT Security, the winners of the prestigious international competition were officially announced.
MICRO-RAY earned a spot on the podium of the final winners of the GIT SECURITY AWARD 2021. Cias solution was the only representative product for the Perimeter Protection sector, within the broader category D – “Access Control, Intrusion Alarms, Perimeter Protection”.
“In April 2020 – they say from Cias – a neutral jury, made up of representatives and users of industry associations, identified the products on the market that offer greater innovation, better possibilities of use, distinctive features for each of the security categories present in the competition. The products most voted by Customers, Partners and End Users were the 3 winners in their category. The whole CIAS Team took the chance to thank who voted for Micro-Ray, the revolutionary game-changer barrier in #PIDS field”, they add.
Micro-Ray in few keypoints:
• super narrow ray (1m corridor)
• 100mt range, guaranteed in all weather conditions without disqualification at all
• immune to fog, sun and glares
• low consumption (no heathers needed) also allows PoE & IP
• 10 selectable interruption time settings (from 10ms to 1 sec)
• design-friendly and low-maintenance cover (no cleaning required)
This is the video-message broadcast during the award ceremony.
by the Editorial Staff